Building Closures & Calendar

Three's, Fours & Preschool
Three + Four Year Olds
This age group experiences rapid growth and development. During this stage children have a natural desire to engage with and understand their environment by observing, questioning, experiencing, and experimenting. Knowing this, we work hard to foster their natural curiosity, by providing hands on learning experiences where they can practice new skills and reach milestones.
Reserved Hour Rates
$151 / month (5 - 9 hours per week)
$251 / month (10 - 14 hours per week)
$348 / month (15 - 19 hours per week)
$436 / month (20-24 hours per week)
$517 / month (25 - 29 hours per week)
$592 / month (30 - 34 hours per week)
$661 / month (35 - 39 hours per week)
$775 / month (40+ hours per week)
Hourly + Drop In Rate
$8.00 / hour (Less than 5 hours per week)
$8.00 / hour (24+ hours notice)
Daily Schedule at a Glance

For a breakdown on the differences between Reserved and Hourly tuition and our scheduling guidelines, please visit the General Program Details under the Program tab above.
Four + Five Year Olds (Preschool)
Our four to five year old class is perfect for children who are in a transitory stage between preschool and Kindergarten. While they still enjoy similar learning experiences as the rest of the other age groups, they are also being challenged to further develop academic skills. This class focuses on academic and social emotional concepts that they’ll need in order to be successful in Kindergarten. Curriculum for this group is based off of the Utah Core State Standards for 3 to 5 year olds. We do not teach children how to read, but hope to lay the foundation for their success in Kindergarten and beyond.
Reserved Hour Rates
$147 / month (5 - 9 hours per week)
$244 / month (10 - 14 hours per week)
$339 / month (15 - 19 hours per week)
$425 / month (20 - 24 hours per week)
$505 / month (25 - 29 hours per week)
$578 / month (30 - 34 hours per week)
$645 / month (35 - 39 hours per week)
$756 / month (40+ hours per week)
Hourly + Drop In Rate
$8.00 / hour (Less than 5 hours per week)
$8.00 / hour (24+ hours notice)
Daily Schedule at a Glance

For a breakdown on the differences between Reserved and Hourly tuition and our scheduling guidelines, please visit the General Program Details under the Program tab above.